Emailers & Newsletters

Email marketing revolutionized communication with your target markets. Marketing in its barest and simplest form is communicating with your prospects and customers. Email was bound to dramatically affect marketing- and so it has. Most brands that have a digital marketing strategy use email marketing. The effectiveness of this tool is exceptionally high- only if it has everything working for it in the background. There is a lot more to email marketing than just sending out emails. It takes Herculean effort to start and deploy it, successfully.

Email marketing program is still by far the most effective way to sell your products and services; the hottest ROI generator in the business! An email campaign usually involves a series of emails aimed at promoting and selling your products and services. At most times, email campaigns are where a company is introduced and establishes the first contact with the prospect. Email campaigns should be essentially designed to captivate the recipients and convince them why they should prefer you over your competitors.

MetricFox provides full spectrum of newsletter writing services aimed at giving your product better visibility. Our team of writers has mastered the craft of writing winning newsletters to lure customers towards your products. Our newsletters are unique in the fact that we offer something new for the reader each time.

Here’s how we help you run effective email campaigns:

  • Write the sales content
  • Provide and/or clean email databases
  • Distribute emails to databases
  • Handle Bounces
  • Handle Subscriptions
  • Handle Responses
  • Report & Analyze every campaign

If written in a presentable fashion, newsletters are capable of attracting new customers while retaining the existing ones.

  • We write your newsletters after in-depth research about your products and its uniqueness
  • We would write newsletters for all possible services; be it events, product launches, discounts/promotions etc.
  • We use innovative concepts to make your newsletter look trendy yet professional
  • We give personalized attention to every newsletter to make your product stand out at all times
  • We deliver all newsletters in an amazingly short turn-around

Our newsletter writing services have helped many businesses win over their customers with its crisp, to-the-point content. We are trusted by the industry pros when it comes to writing an attractive piece of email copy for their clients.

Even though you will get loads of information on the internet on email marketing, but it is only the experts who can help you understand the importance of follow-up emails, automated email workflow, list segmentation, email designs and layout, and calls-to-action.

Get content that will grow your business

Precision content creation requires ample research, talent and in-depth understanding of the medium

Our professional email copywriters have expertise on:

Informative Emails

Such emails contain mostly information about the company or some kind of announcement, be it a new marketing collateral launch, ebook launch, upcoming webinar or even a promotion of a marketing offer - all having a link to the landing page created especially for the offer. Copy of such emails should be informative, long and descriptive enough to convey the message with a detailed call-to-action.

Company newsletters generally contain updates on upcoming events, promotions and new product releases. They are generally subscribed by people who have opted to know the latest buzz about your company. Newsletters are possibly the most cost-effective tool to make them aware about the next big thing. If written in a presentable fashion, newsletters are capable of attracting new customers while retaining the existing ones.

Lead Generation Emails

Such patterns are strong emails with the sole purpose of generating leads. The calls-to-action of such emails will be asking receivers to reply to the email or will ask them to click on a link to a separate landing page with a form on above-the-fold.

Digital Magazine

Many companies send weekly, by-weekly or monthly articles and stories based on subscriptions of users. These emails would usually carry a headline, an introductory paragraph followed by links to the blog posts or articles or stories. Sometimes companies also include promotional links to products and services. Design layout of such emails are most simple and similar. However, the sender should keep in mind that these emails are visually appealing. There should also be an option to unsubscribe.

Event Invitation

Emails are best mediums to promote any upcoming event and send out invites. Such emails might have image layout highlighting the event, and its time and venue details along with a link to the landing page. If you are looking for attendees for your conference or webinar, the link must take them to a landing page that should have further details, features and benefits and a form.

Regular Newsletters (Product Updates, Company Updates)

Such emails are generally the most tricky ones. Most receivers would not want to receive regular product updates but since your company is into products manufacturing, you need to share all the updates with your users. Whether it is a software update or a product revise information, you must ensure the readers find it important and interesting enough to open each and every email that you are sending to them. Most of these emails are usually informative and contains the latest features and functions. Emails mentioning subscription renewals, payment reminders and software upgrades also fall under this category. Such emails are usually descriptive and simple with a link to the landing page that contains all the product details.

Internal Communication

Internal communications are emails that are extremely vital and crucial for any company. Such emails contain company updates, latest company information, policy changes, any other employee information. These emails go out internally, therefore, they need to be lucid and clear with minimum designs. Writers should strictly abide by the company style guide and designers should keep in mind that the color coordination of the emails match with the company logo and color guide.

Welcome / Thanks you / Confirmation Emails

As the name suggest, these emails contain simple messages depending on the context such as confirmation, thank you or welcome. There are other such emails such as verification emails, or no-reply automated emails. Content and design of such emails are mostly matter-of-fact and non-salesy.

Nurturing Emails

Such emails are used to nurture prospects or clients. These emails keep the leads engaged through different types of content such as links to articles, ebooks downloads, company information, product upselling and even tips and tricks. However there is a major catch that every marketer must not ignore. There is a huge amount of planning and segmentation involved for any lead nurturing campaign. There needs to be a laid out workflow, follow-up emails, email intervals, segmentation and so on. Sometimes marketers also practice A/B split testing to ensure better performance of each campaign.

As an email marketer, your email must be valuable to your readers. It should increase the click-through rates and decrease the bounce rates. An email campaign is a dud if it is not catchy, well thought and filled with genuine information. MetricFox provides content for your email campaigns that are laden with creativity and ingenuity. Each of our email content is written in a clear and concise manner highlighting the core benefits of your product.

We understand that each business is unique and thus each campaign’s requirements are different. Our email content will help you start a conversation with the prospect by setting a friendly tone. Subject lines are the most powerful aspect of emails and we specialize in writing effective ones for all sorts of messages. At times, we get whacky too! We strictly abide by the ground rules of writing business emails without compromising on the content quality. Our email content is written to avoid spam in all ways. Both in subject lines and the body.

We include strong calls-to-action in the content to prompt the reader of the next desirable action. Correctness of spelling and grammar and brevity are some aspects which our writers are expert at. Our innovative email content will enable you stay unique throughout the course of your campaigns, however lengthy or short they are.

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Emailers & Newsletters

Email marketing revolutionized communication with your target markets. Read More..

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