Blog Management Services

Did you know that 92% of companies who blog regularly are able to engage new customers through their blog. An engaging and informative blog can give a visitor an excellent picture of the company or its brand. A blog helps you generate inbound leads and engage your customers and prospects in the best possible ways.

Strategic blogging also improves traffic from different search engines and indirectly drives footprints to the websites. By using relevant keywords and planning the posts accordingly you can make that possible. A smart blog creates positive impression about the brand, improves business opportunities, and also increases brand value.

Like most successfully running business blogs, you need a blog management service if you:

  • Don't have a blog yet
  • Don't do blog posting at regular or frequent intervals
  • Are writing content that are not relevant enough for your target audience
  • Are creating content that is not SEO friendly and keyword rich

If you had the choice of only one marketing tool to get the most traction on the web � hands down it would be the writing and dissemination of your blog posts.

Writing high quality and relevant blog posts on your website is the best way to get serious leverage with search engines like Google. However, even though blogging is one of the best online marketing tools around (if not the best in the new semantic search world), most companies find it challenging to blog.

They just can�t get enough relevant, high quality content onto their websites. This is where MetricFox comes into its own. We understand the challenges, nuances and intricacies that make for a successful blog marketing strategy and the implementation thereof.

Story telling is one of the best ways to have your website visitors glued in. What better way to do it than a blog. While videos and infographics are higher up in the story telling hierarchy, blogs are the most cost effective of them all. Blogs have the power to create interest, mold opinions and most of it set you up as a thought leader within your industry. It is used extremely well by many businesses today with some having millions reading and sharing them. Blogging has become a lot more important today with the stress on new and creative content put forth by Google to rank higher in search.

MetricFox deals with the entire gamut of blogging services. We host and deploy content using our internal bloggers and a global network of bloggers that we are connected with. MetricFox has been assisting various types of businesses with blogging and achieving desired results from it.

If you haven�t as yet considered blogging as a marketing strategy, take note of this:

  • Your website gets better traction with the search engines. The more useful content you have that is relevant to your target market, the better your search engine rankings. And, of course, the better your search engine rankings, the more quality visitors you attract to your website.
  • You have an ideal opportunity to display your authority and expertise which in turn, builds credibility, trust and liking for you and your brand.
  • If you don�t have the time or resources to write your blog posts, consider using us. Our specialist blog writers can tackle just about any subject you can imagine.
Get content that will grow your business

Precision content creation requires ample research, talent and in-depth understanding of the medium

What can we offer you?

  • A sound, sustainable blogging strategy.
  • A writer that thoroughly researches and understands your company and the markets you play in.
  • A communication calendar to ensure that your blog posts are reaching your target markets consistently.
  • All blog posts will be written in �your voice� with your main message and marketing goals always top of mind.
  • High quality, relevant writers because we employ only top-rated writers.

Our business blogging services include:

  • Business blog creation and management
  • Wordpress blog development and management
  • Blog writing
  • Blog monetization programs

In each of our blog writing, SEO plays an extremely important role. Our team ensures that each blog post is rich in keywords and target market oriented. We also cater to different industry sectors. Therefore, whether you are from Manufacturing industry, Technology, Healthcare, Finance or even Real Estate industry � we have teams who are experts in handling B2B and B2C blogging.



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