Marketing Assets

Marketing collaterals written by professional business writers are the best weapons to build your marketing success. Marketing content can be in the form of white papers, case studies, press releases, brochures, articles, newsletters or blog posts, and should be extremely engaging and sales driven. It should have the power to nurture and convert your leads into customers. You need a team of experts who can conduct market research, comprehensive study and ensure that the content is as per your business goals and brand image.

Have you ever wondered how your company can stand out and be noticed amongst all the noise?

How your brand can rise above all the clutter? And, how to make your message matter?

If you want to stand out from your competitors when it comes to winning share of mind and, of course, share of wallet, you should consider marketing assets. At MetricFox, we have helped our clients win their own marketing wars by producing well-researched, high quality, and perfectly pitched marketing collateral for them.

We produce collateral for both online and offline marketing efforts.

Get content that will grow your business

Precision content creation requires ample research, talent and in-depth understanding of the medium

Case Studies

What is an easy way to build trust and credibility for my company?

Case studies help prove that your solution works.

Building trust and credibility for your company is difficult in the information overload world of the Internet. Yet, it is one of the most vital aspects of building a solid brand reputation.

Case Studies help you strut your stuff. They allow your company to show how you can solve real world problems for your customers.

MetricFox is well versed in the art and science of writing case studies. See case study examples.

Let us take the hassle and stress out of writing your case studies for you. We research, write up and disseminate case studies for our clients.

To this end, we:

  • Map out the structure
  • Interview and research
  • Collect and analyse data
  • Write the narrative
  • Package and publish the case study

White Papers

How can we become the thought leader in our niche?

There’s no question that being an authority in your industry is imperative.

If you want your company to be seen as run of the mill then don’t consider using white papers as a marketing tool.

However, if you want your brand to be seen as the authority in its sector, then a sound white paper strategy is a must to help you stand out head and shoulders above your competitors. We’ll help you become the thought leader in your niche by helping you produce and disseminate authoritative white papers.

As a thought leader it is your job to help your target audience understand an issue, solve a problem or make a decision.

Through white papers we’ll help you craft an authority brand.

Our process:

  • We’ll help you discover the problem, issue or question that you want to answer for your customer.
  • We’ll highlight and describe the burning issues related to the problem or issue.
  • We’ll help your target market understand the solution you want to propose

Press Releases

A sound media and press release strategy is a must in any company’s reputation management arsenal.

The media is information hungry and is on a never ending quest to satiate that hunger. By producing newsworthy and compelling press releases your company can become a partner in the production of news.

Press releases give your company an amazing opportunity to provide news and build positive hype around your brand in the process.

We’ll help you by:

  • Crafting an effective and sustainable media strategy
  • Researching newsworthy stories
  • Writing effective press releases that actually get published
  • Disseminating those press releases to both our online and offline media contacts that we have cultivated over the years
  • Collecting and analyzing your media coverage through our dedicated press cutting service

We’ll produce press releases that cover:

  • Product launches
  • Case Studies
  • Problem/solution scenarios
  • New appointments
  • Crises management
  • Reputation management
  • Industry issues
  • White papers
  • Email Direct Marketing

What is the #1 most cost effective way to sell my products and services?

If you don’t have some kind of email marketing program, you are leaving money on the table. Stop leaving money on the table.

Consider using email direct marketing as a serious sales tool. Email direct marketing is still by far the most effective way to sell your products and services.

Check out some of our Email Direct Marketing case studies.

Let us help you run effective email campaigns by:

  • Writing the sales content
  • Providing and/or cleaning the email databases
  • Distributing emails to databases
  • Bounce handling
  • Subscribe handling
  • Response handling
  • Reporting on and analyzing every campaign


How do I keep top of mind with my customers? Newsletters. No Question!

If you’re not top of mind with your customers you may as well be invisible. And, if you’re invisible it is the fertile breeding ground for your competitors to take some of your market share.

Writing and dissemination of newsletters is one of the best ways to keep top of mind with your customers.

Newsletters are an easy way to keep your customers informed on:

  • Thought leadership coming out of your C-Suite
  • New product or service launches
  • New events
  • Training
  • Opinion pieces
  • White papers
  • Case studies

We’ll help you craft and disseminate top-notch newsletters by:

  • Developing a sustainable and effective newsletter strategy
  • Interviewing role players
  • Writing and editing articles
  • Designing newsletter templates
  • Producing them
  • Printing them
  • Disseminating them both offline and online


Is it still possible to stand out in my competitive market space?

Definitely! A strong visual message will put you head and shoulders above your competitors.

If you’re battling to stand out above the competitive noise that your company faces every day, you need to consider a strong visual strategy.

Ask yourself this question: “Once our sales people leave a prospect’s office are we even still remembered?”

There’s no definitive answer (it all depends on the sales person’s impact, skill and own personal brand). But, what we do know is that if you leave behind something for your prospect to mull over, you have a better chance of leaving a lasting impression.

This is where brochures come into their own.

Well crafted brochures will:

  • Leave a strong visual impact
  • Build credibility, trust and authority
  • Sell your products and service

Our brochure design services include:

  • Research
  • Copywriting
  • Design
  • Printing




Marketing Assets

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Marketing Assets

Marketing collaterals written by professional business writers are the best weapons to build your marketing success. Read More..

Blog Management Services

Blog Creation & Management

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Blog Creation & Management

Did you know that 92% of companies who blog regularly are able to engage Read More..

Infographic Design Services


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Ever wondered how it would be to take up the pathway of visual or pictorial Read More..

Technical Writing Services

Technical Writing

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Technical Writing

If your company is into software development, telecommunication or even IT Read More..

Content Distribution Services

Content Distribution

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Content Distribution

The method of distributing your web content to different third party sites Read More..

Email Newsletters

Emailers & Newsletters

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Emailers & Newsletters

Email marketing revolutionized communication with your target markets. Read More..

We provide exceptional results for our clients.

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