Social Advertising

Social advertising has become the major phenomenon for any digital marketing campaign. Using social media platforms such as Facebook and LinkedIn to advertise your brand or promote your products and services is now a common thing. A recent study has shown that marketers in United States has spent over $77 billion on digital ads in 2016. Among all the social media platforms, Facebook still remains the biggest player where digital advertising is concerned.

In a nutshell, if your competitors are using digital ads to promote their brands, you simply cannot stay behind. Reasons why you should use social media ads? Read on to know more:

  • When there is a special offer
  • When you want to boost a post
  • When you want to launch a video that captures the attention of your target audience in the best possible way
  • When you want to promote your brand to the world

At MetricFox, we help you run, promote and track ads on different social media platforms. We offer:

  • Solid reach
  • In-depth analysis reports
  • High performing posts
  • Loads of targeting options
  • Compelling calls-to-action
  • Tracking and monitoring
  • Quality control

Apart from simply promoting your brand, we also ensure your specific target markets are staying engaged with your brand. We try our best to ensure that your brand is always on top of their minds whenever they are planning to make a buying decision through our advertisements.

Our dedicated team of social media advertisement experts start with an in-depth research on your brand, your products and services, your competitors and finally your past promotion performances. We also educate our clients to make them understand the various aspects of the social media ads and how they will be able to make the best out of their social media budgets.

Plan your next social media campaign with us!

The social angle is getting stronger-monetizing it requires planning and consistency


Social Media Monitoring

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Social Media Monitoring

How can we be sure that our social media efforts have been worthwhile and are working? Read More..


Social Advertising

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Social Advertising

Social advertising has become the major phenomenon for any digital marketing campaign. Read More..


Social Community Management

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Social Community Management

Social community maintenance is one of the top aspects of social media Read More..

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