Hey SEO, Wake up and Get a Content Marketing Strategy. Will ya?

Hey SEO, Wake up and Get a Content Marketing Strategy. Will ya?

SEO Content Writing ServicesSearch industry is flourishing. The war for keywords, organic and paid searches, anything and everything related to search is hyping the market. Unerneath it all, the SEO tactics are changing but luckily at a slow pace. Result – all SEO techniques will fall flat within no time creating vacuum between what is needed and what you have. Filling this space and getting incredible online visibility can be achieved only by ‘CONTENT’.

Companies need to shift their focus from SEO strategy to Content Marketing Strategy to emerge as top contenders in the search space. Brands should slate strategies featuring both tactics and end results to create two-way dialogues, engage visitors and win deals. A strategy which brings SEO and content in line and suffices the need of the hour. Here is what you need to do…

Mark All Your Keywords:

Note all keywords that best suit your business and create a database. Mark all the keywords that are in tune with current trends. This list should keep changing depending on the search engine updates and trends. However, do not limit your keyword master database; jot down all keywords related to your business. To create content in line with SEO, the keywords should possess greater potential. Compose new keyword phrases and align it with original content.

Understand Your Current Position:

Pick each keyword and check where the page rankings stand in all search engines. Compare positions of your competitor with yours to realize where you stand in the search space. Now, you have keywords and their positions, so what next? You need to frame a solid content marketing plan including content editorial, distribution and publishing.

Create a Content Plan Mapped with SEO:

Run through the keyword master database and prioritize keywords and map each keyword to content type (article, video, infographic) and the channel (website, facebook, twitter, blog) where it would be distributed. Sketch a content marketing calendar incorporating a keyword steered content plan. Remember to create a content plan without side stepping the main objective of the brand. Once you have the content editorial, pick each keyword and spin it into an article/video/blog post or any content type that people would find interesting.

Now let us talk about creating, publishing and distributing content.

Based on keywords, you can create blog posts, website pages, Infographics, videos, facebook posts, etc. Let us assume that you have paved a great path in the search space, with engaging and keyword focused content, keyword rich URLs and anchor texts are easily shareable. Creating various content types for diverse content channels needs a lot of effort, money and time. But if these efforts are not measured, you do not know what is working and what is not. To cognize this, you need to measure the web and content analysis.

You need toOffer content writing services

  • Track positions of  keywords on  search engines
  • Track page rankings
  • Check on time spent by the visitors on the website and  bounce rate
  • Trace number of leads and customers earned through organic search engines

On obtaining these metrics, you can revisit the content editorial and make changes to the plan. Try to understand what worked and apply the same to underperforming content channels and types. One thing that can be assured with having unique content is that, sooner or later, you will get results. Do not expect results overnight. As you make content the point of focus, SEO results will get better. In the current scenario where SEO is losing its significance, ‘CONTENT’ is your only prize.

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