3 Ways an Email Message Can Turn a Disaster

3 Ways an Email Message Can Turn a Disaster

Proofreading your Website

Inappropriate content:
Emails containing irrelevant content or content that does not interest the recipient or that just brags about products and services are sure to loose subscriptions sooner. By addressing the challenges being faced by the recipients and suggesting some solutions, market updates, latest trends; one can keep their interest long enough to take them under control and leverage their thoughts

Lack of proofreading:
Content containing grammar and spelling mistakes, inactive links, graphics or images that do not display or that overshadows your content, slow downloads, illegible font, poor design, missing contact details, etc, represent lack of professionalism. A simple proofreading can stop emails going out with these errors

Lack of landing pages:
Once the recipient clicks on a link; make sure he reaches the intended page. Do not dump the readers on the home page of your website and make them search their target. It has been proven that emails with maximum landing pages work more efficiently than those without landing pages.

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