Category: Brand Management

Brand Management

Ferrari and Apple- The most powerful and the most valuable brands in the world. What makes them click?

 No prizes for guessing the world’s most valuable brand. Apple, the tech giant from Cupertino, California has had some very impressive numbers for several years now. With profits pegged at $104 billion, it surpasses its closest competitor Microsoft by $48 billion, which is in fact closer to the total revenue of Coca-Cola, placed at number […]

Brand Management

Top 10 Brands and WHY

Setting up a brand is vital for any company. When a brand is created, and consumers use the product or service, the way people perceive the brand is all that makes or breaks a brand. Here is a list of Top 10 brands which have changed and revisited their marketing tactics in order to gain attention from […]

Brand Management

How to run successful marketing campaigns!

Do not follow the Nike’s slogan, ‘Just Do It’ when you are investing on marketing campaigns. Marketing campaigns need protracted efforts to bring the marketing buck. Once you understand the marketplace and your target audience, and decide on the agenda of your marketing campaign, you have four steps for creating an alluring marketing campaign. [slideshare id=16000974&doc=howtorunsuccessfulmarketingcampaigns-130115031914-phpapp02]

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